var wysihtml5ParserRules = { /** * CSS Class white-list * Following css classes won't be removed when parsed by the wysihtml5 html parser */ "classes": { "wysiwyg-clear-both": 1, "wysiwyg-clear-left": 1, "wysiwyg-clear-right": 1, "wysiwyg-color-aqua": 1, "wysiwyg-color-black": 1, "wysiwyg-color-blue": 1, "wysiwyg-color-fuchsia": 1, "wysiwyg-color-gray": 1, "wysiwyg-color-green": 1, "wysiwyg-color-lime": 1, "wysiwyg-color-maroon": 1, "wysiwyg-color-navy": 1, "wysiwyg-color-olive": 1, "wysiwyg-color-purple": 1, "wysiwyg-color-red": 1, "wysiwyg-color-silver": 1, "wysiwyg-color-teal": 1, "wysiwyg-color-white": 1, "wysiwyg-color-yellow": 1, "wysiwyg-float-left": 1, "wysiwyg-float-right": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-large": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-larger": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-medium": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-small": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-smaller": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-x-large": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-x-small": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-xx-large": 1, "wysiwyg-font-size-xx-small": 1, "wysiwyg-text-align-center": 1, "wysiwyg-text-align-justify": 1, "wysiwyg-text-align-left": 1, "wysiwyg-text-align-right": 1, "MsoNormal": 0 }, /** * Tag list * * Following options are available: * * - add_class: converts and deletes the given HTML4 attribute (align, clear, ...) via the given method to a css class * The following methods are implemented in wysihtml5.dom.parse: * - align_text: converts align attribute values (right/left/center/justify) to their corresponding css class "wysiwyg-text-align-*")


... becomes ...


* - clear_br: converts clear attribute values left/right/all/both to their corresponding css class "wysiwyg-clear-*" *
... becomes ...
* - align_img: converts align attribute values (right/left) on to their corresponding css class "wysiwyg-float-*" * * - remove: removes the element and it's content * * - rename_tag: renames the element to the given tag * * - set_class: adds the given class to the element (note: make sure that the class is in the "classes" white list above) * * - set_attributes: sets/overrides the given attributes * * - check_attributes: checks the given HTML attribute via the given method * - url: checks whether the given string is an url, deletes the attribute if not * - alt: strips unwanted characters. if the attribute is not set, then it gets set (to ensure valid and compatible HTML) * - numbers: ensures that the attribute only contains numeric characters */ "tags": { "tr": { "add_class": { "align": "align_text" } }, "strike": { "remove": 1 }, "form": { "rename_tag": "div" }, "rt": { "rename_tag": "span" }, "code": {}, "acronym": { "rename_tag": "span" }, "br": { "add_class": { "clear": "clear_br" 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